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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Percubaan : Natural Clenx Tea

Assalamualaikum/ Salam Sejahtera

Hooollaa ullz...

Sebelum sebelum ni aq ada lah baca blog2 pasal kurus2 ni... tau tau je la semenjak keje ni badan aq bagaikan dipam pam... hohoohohoho...naik mendadak-dadak... seminggu 1 kg.. giler ko... disebabkan aq risau ngn berat badan aq ni.. aq cek lah gak kan poduct ap yg sesuai... klu nak ikutkan aq ni mmg x suke nak exercises... tu aq lemah... aq dari sek rendah lagi mmg x suka exercises...  pemalas gak la kate.. hahahaha... 

So carik punya carik.. aq jumpa gak entry yg mengatakan Natural Clenx Tea ni bgs gak la... entah la... byk gak product yg aq dah try... tp x jalan gak.. lemak aq da tepu kot... kahkahkah... x de perubahan pon...mungkin gak sebab aq ni x ikut peraturannya.. kekadang selalu skip.. entah la... haha.. tp aq mmg mcm tu pon.. jenis yg skip skip.. rasa nak makan aq makan... klu x x de la jawabnya... paling mahal product kurus ni aq beli RM 130... mmg sekali tu je lah... huhuhu... tp x pe usaha tangga kejayaan... niat tu ada untuk kurus.. tp x kurus lagi lah.. makin naik tu adalah... hahahaha...

Natural Clenx Tea: (aq copy paste je kan website dia, malas nak tulis..)

Flush Out Your Body Toxins
Natural Clenx Tea™ is a high quality detox slimming tea made from 100% natural organic green tea and herbs, with no laxatives, no added sugar and no side effects. It has been approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia and is safe for consumption. It is certified HALAL by JAKIM and complies to international GMP production procedure standards.
Product Features
  • All natural and organic ingredients
  • Does not cause diarrhea
  • No diet required
  • Prepared in sachets for your convenience
Recommended Consumption For Best Results
  • Consume 1 teabag daily after dinner for those who want to detoxify and maintain a slender figure.
  • Consume 2 teabags daily after lunch and dinner for those who are experiencing severe constipation or are overweight.
Product Functions
  • Reduces body weight and maintains an ideal body shape
  • Stimulates peristaltic bowel movement to remove excessive toxins, fat and cholesterol
  • Relieves constipation, flatulence and bloated tummy
  • Improves the functions of detoxification organs
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Improves face complexion
  • Promotes radiant beauty and health from within
The advantages of colon detoxifying
  • Lose weight and/ or control weight
  • Overcome or relieve constipation and improve bowel disorders
  • Prevent, eliminate and reduce frequency and intensity of headaches
  • Improve digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Boost body immune function and reduce risk of infection
  • Purify the blood
  • Improve emotional health and stress tolerance
  • Regain mental sharpness and think more clearly
  • Achieve a sense of wellbeing
  • Achieve a clearer skin and radiant complexion
  • Improve sleep quality and feel more refreshed
  • Scavenge free radicals and remove toxins
  • Improve energy levels and restore vitality
Highly recommended for
  • Those with constipation or poor digestion problems
  • Those who have poor sleep quality
  • Those who get tired & exhausted easily
  • Those who easily fall in illness such as cough, flu and others

Okey aq beli tea ni kat Guardian... harga dia RM 28.70 / 20 pack je.. aq beli lah yg sikit dulu.. try test..  Aq nak try la kan jadik ke x.. mana lah tau... 1kg seminggu pon okey gak.. tp aq baru sekali minum esok nya aq x minum pon... hahahah... ngek kan.. kan aq da kate aq suka skip2.. mmg la x jalan ye dak.. tp sebabkan harga dia x dek la mahal ... kira oke la.. kahkahkah... 1st time aq minum perut aq menggelegak gak lah.. adoii.. tp sebb kan aq puasa disiang hari... oke la kot.. aq minum pon time aq berbuka... pagi subuh tu.. sahur aq x minum la.. huhu... tp x pe hari ni boleh la buat.. minum.. semalam dah skip.. hahaha... usaha itu tangga kejayaan.. hahaha... 

Ni la dia Natural Clenx Tea yg aq beli

so kalau jadi aq turun berat badan.. aq akan post lagi.. kalu aq senyap je tu... maknanya x jadi lah tu.. hahahahahahaha.. sbb tea ni bukan menurunkan berat badan je... tp utk kesihatan gak.. x pe x kurus x pe.. yg penting badan sihat... kannn....daaaa... =)

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